Tuesday, January 27, 2009

About E's Mail

Dear People,

You may have noticed that my blogs from 2008 are gone. This is due to the fact that I'm going to be blogging a little bit differently in 2009. I've decided that some of my open letters will be addressed to the congregation, some to people visiting our church, some to Christians at large, some to unbelievers at large, some to staff, and some to God.

Since these letters are addressed to all manner of people, since my blogs will always take the forms of letters and not lectures or treatises, and since I am sometimes called "E" for short, it seemed that the most appropriate title for my blog would be "E's Mail."

As for the frequency of the "E's Mails"... I'll be doing at least one each week prior to noon on Tuesday, and at least one each week prior to noon on Friday. In other words, I'll be writing at least two blogs a week. Sometimes I'll do a few more.

Your Pastor,
Ernest Jones

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