Friday, February 27, 2009

Ministry Fair

Dear Friends,

This Sunday our church is hosting our annual Ministry Fair where people get to view and sign up for various opportunities to serve in and through our church. With 29 ministry booths and tables all set up, we should be encouraged by what so many people are already doing.

As you hopefully take the opportunity to attend the Ministry Fair this weekend, I hope that you will remember that God wants what's best, but not necessarily what’s best for ME. Waiting for the death penalty while shackled to a prison guard wasn’t BEST for Paul. But it was best for the advancement of the Gospel. (Philippians 1:12) Being beat to shreds on a criminal’s cross wasn’t BEST for Jesus. But it was the only way to procure salvation for those He came to redeem. (Matthew 26:42)

Ultimately God’s best is what’s best for me. But in the meantime: If what’s BEST for the cause of Christ doesn’t happen to be what’s BEST for ME…am I okay with that? Think about it.



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