Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Nearly Spring...Praise God!

Dear Friends,

The last few days have been pretty rough. Bad news on the domestic front is so abundant that some of you have told me that you have stopped watching the news. Last week a member of my extended family was the victim of a murder-suicide. I've been putting in lots of miles on the road to both lower my cholesterol and build up my endurance. In fact, last week I ran a total of 48 miles--sort of draining. I'm sort of looking forward to relief. I can't wait for Spring!

In spite of high winds and chill,
Winter is on the wing;
My calendar says it's early March,
But in my heart it's spring!
Dorothy Labelle

For those of you who've had a hard winter, I've got good news. Spring is coming! God always brings relief. Psalm 81:6, "I will relieve your shoulder of it's burden; I will free your hands from their heavy task."



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