Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Letter from Royce

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, last Sunday we gave about seven minutes of our service to The Gideons International, and organization of business men dedicated to distributing Bibles around the globe. It's a fantastic organization with some exceptional men, and I thought it appropriate to pass along to you a letter I received from Royce today. The letter is addressed to me, but it actually concerns the entire church family. I hope you enjoy his letter.

Dear Ernest,

Thank you for the warm welcome that you and the Main Street congregation extended to the Gideons last Sunday. It was good for me personally to see friends I had missed for a few months. I especially appreciated your message and your introduction talking about the heart when I was all set to talk about pulse rate in my opening. A "coincidence" I'm sure!

Thank you for the privilege of presenting a report on what God is doing with and through Gideons International around the world. On behalf of The Gideons of Williamson County and The Gideons International, we want to express our sincere thanks to you and your congrgation for your past support of the Gideon work, as well as the outstanding response this year. We were blessed by donations in the amount of $1486.23, which will provide for 297 Bibles or 1061 Testaments to be purchased and placed! We can pray that many precious souls will come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a result of these Scriptures being distributed.

I mentioned in one of the services that current and past Gideons at Main Street that I know of include Bob McMinn and Wayne Doss (who assisted at the doors) as well as Tom Mulcahey, Brooks Slaughter and Marshall Duke.

I especially appreciate your prayerful supoort for this ministry. Your specific prayers for the Gideon ministry in the services, and your encouragement of the congregation to support financially was much appreciated. Thank you again for the privilege of representing the The Gideons in the services last Sunday.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Royce Lindsey

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