Thursday, March 19, 2009

More About Baggage Claim

Dear People,

As you can tell from my last blog, I am excited about our upcoming play. However, some of you have asked, "But what is the play about?"

I am reluctant to say too much because I despise movie trailers that overtell about an upcoming movie. Saying too much spoils the fun, and this is a fun play.

What I will tell you is that Baggage Claim lays out the gospel in a way that can be easily grasped. The story revolves around the D'Baquel family who has decided to vacation at a much publicized Bed & Breakfast that is served by a bellhop who offers far more than meets the eye. The comic beginning of the play seques into a darker reality as the pain and inner conflicts of the four family members surface. This is one vacation where the rest only comes in shocking ways.

See you there!


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